Daily Schedule
Monday, 9/28 BLUE
Volleyball vs Welch, 7th gr 5:30 pm, 8th gr 6:30 pm, @POMS
Tuesday, 9/29 GREEN
Wednesday, 9/30 BLUE
8th gr Football vs Dowling, 5:00 pm @Butler
8th gr Football vs Dowling, 5:00 pm @Butler
Thursday, 10/1 GREEN
Odyssey of the Mind Information Meeting, 4:00 pm, Library
Texas Heart Institute Parent Information Meeting, 6:00 pm, Library
Last day of 1st Grading Cycle
Texas Heart Institute Parent Information Meeting, 6:00 pm, Library
Last day of 1st Grading Cycle
Friday, 10/2 CHARGER
College Shirt Day
Heart Screening Program of the Texas Heart Institute
The Texas Heart Institute will return this semester to Pin Oak as part of the ongoing work on the prevention of sudden cardiac death of young people. Heart screening studies were done once before in 2012 at Pin Oak, and our school had the highest participation among all HISD campuses.
Heart screening studies are available to all students on a voluntary basis and are done at no cost to their families. Participation is simple: it involves completing a brief medical questionaire, an electrocardiagram and magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, of the heart, all done on-campus during the school day at no cost to the student's family. Studies take 30-40 minutes to complete during the student's P.E. class, and involve little or no risk with no injections, medication or radiation. Results of the tests will be sent to parents or guardians by mail.
Your child will receive a packet to bring home on Monday or Tuesday during PE. Please return completed paperwork no later than the end of the week if you would like your child to participate. If you are not interested in your child participating in the study, please return the incomplete packet.
Please take time to consider and take advantage of this opportunity for the good of all the children in the Pin Oak community.
Have questions? Representatives from The Texas Heart Institute will be on campus Thursday, October 1st to meet with interested parents at 6:00 pm in the Library.
Box Tops
HEB and General Mills have an exciting offer to help us earn more cash for POMS through Box Tops for Education. Visit your neighborhood HEB store between 9/16/15 and 9/29/15 for another chance to earn Bonus Box Tops! Go to http://cashforyoureducation.com/account/register and register to earn 10 eBoxTops. Place all clipped Box Tops in the office in the box designated for your House and Grade. If you have any questions regarding Box Tops, please contact lilianamckean@gmail.com.
Our building opens each morning at 7:00 am. Students should not be dropped off prior to 7:00 am.