Sunday, December 17, 2017

News from Mrs Graves

Upcoming This Week

7th/8th gr Boys' Basketball vs Lanier @ POMS 5:30 p.m.
7th/8th gr Girls' Basketball @ Lanier, 5:30 p.m.

Band Holiday Concert and Spaghetti Dinner, 6:00 p.m.


PTO Sponsored Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
NO AFTER SCHOOL CARE - 3:30 Dismissal for Everyone

Winter Break - December 22 - January 7
Students Return - January 8, 2018

Finals Schedule

Dress Code
During the Fall semester we relaxed the dress code to allow students and families time to recover from the impacts of Harvey.  We mobilized our PTO and were able to provide all impacted families with access to five uniform shirts, a spirit shirt and a hoodie. Some families also received dress code appropriate bottoms.  We have been monitoring dress code and making sure students were able to meet the expectations by providing additional uniform shirts and hoodies as needed.  

The campus plan is to begin enforcing the dress code in January, and please know we still have resources to assist any student or family that may still need assistance.  Violation of the dress code will result in disciplinary consequences.

Some things that may help your child avoid issues with dress code:

  • Review the dress code in the planner
  • Students should be wearing a collared white, gray or royal blue shirt on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday each week.
  • Spirit shirts are reserved for Fridays.
  • Students wishing to wear some sort of sweatshirt or sweater should wear the official Pin Oak hoodie or sweatshirt, or may wear a solid colored white, gray or royal blue sweater or sweatshirt with a logo smaller than the student ID.  There should be no variation in color and no design on the sweater or sweatshirt.
  • Students should have a current school ID on a lanyard, visible on top of the shirt, sweater or sweatshirt. IDs may be purchased from the school store for $5.
  • Students may wear denim jeans, khaki, navy blue or the official school tartan bottoms. Pants should be free of design and should not have tears.  Skirts should be no shorter than 2 inches about the knee, or the length of the short side of the student ID. 
Please use this week to help your child comply with dress code expectations.  Please let us know if we can help in any way to make this possible. Beginning in January, House offices will begin tracking dress code violations and assigning consequences for dress code violations.

PSAT Scores for 8th Graders
On Friday, all 8th graders took home a letter with information for accessing PSAT scores online.  If you did not receive it, please ask your child.  It was distributed through English classes.  We have not received paper score reports, but will distribute those as soon as they are available.  

End of Grading Cycle
Thursday is the final day of this grading cycle.  Please encourage your child to check GradeSpeed and turn in any missing assignments.  An INC for this grading cycle will result in the student losing eligibility for any UIL activities or competitions.  

Yearbook Photo Request
Yearbook needs photos of Pin Oak students during the eclipse; at this season's Astros games; in the Houston snow; and at Pin Oak sports, performances and events.  Please email photos with students' names to our yearbook advisors, Autumn Beckman, at

Yearbook Order Reminder
December 31 is the last day to order your yearbook for $45.  Prices go up on January 1.  Books can be ordered from and will be distributed at school in May.

POMS Boys' Lacrosse
Pin Oak Boys Lacrosse registration will be open soon!  Boys lacrosse is a wonderful club sport which starts in January.  It is open to all boys.  Go to for all of the information!! 

Sunday, December 10, 2017

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming This Week

7th/8th gr Boys' Basketball @ Rice 5:30 p.m.
7th/8th gr Girls' Basketball vs Rice @ POMS, 5:30 p.m.

Final Chance for Make-up Pictures - All Lunches
Tennis Practice
Holiday Choir Concert, 6:00 p.m.

Boys' Soccer Team Parent Meeting, 7:15 a.m. OR 4:00 p.m.

PTO General Meeting, 8:30 a.m.
Tennis Practice
SDMC Meeting, 3:50 p.m.
Swim Meet vs Lanier @ Lamar HS, 5:15 p.m.
Winter Orchestra Concert, 6:00 p.m.

School Spelling Bee, MPR. 8:15 a.m.

GT Testing for Previously Registered Students, 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Boys' Basketball Tournament @ Westbury Christian

Student Attendance at Events After School
We love to have students cheer on our athletic teams or performing arts groups.  Most of these types of events start between 4:30 and 6:00.  That leaves one to two hours of unsupervised time.  We can help with that!  Our after school program can provide supervision on a drop in basis for just $5 per day.  Please contact Mr. D'Angelo in the Main Office to register your child for drop in visits.

We have noticed more students leaving campus and returning for events. You know your children and what they can handle, but we have seen a number of problems over the years with this. We strongly discourage you from allowing your child to leave campus and visit businesses in the area.   

2018-19 Academic Calendar
The HISD Board of Trustees recently approved the 2018-19 Academic Calendar.  You may view the calendar on the HISD website.  

Shout Out!
This weekend our Girls' Basketball team hosted a tournament.  The tournament was a great success and a fine example of our community at work.  Big thanks go out to our Boys' basketball teams for helping to make this event a huge success!  The team would also like to thank Mrs. Tackett and her team of parent volunteers for helping with planning and execution of this huge event.  They also thank the faculty and staff, along with our facilities team (especially Sra. Luna). Without such teamwork this tournament would not have been such a huge success.  

This past week several of our community business partners joined in supporting Pin Oak with our Holiday Shopping Days!  We thank our PTO for organizing this event, and to the following community partners:

  • Barnes and Noble
  • Nothing Bundt Cakes
  • Chick-fil-A
  • Presmer
And a big shout out for the beautiful performances by our Choir, Orchestra and Dance Officers, as well as our NJHS for gift wrapping!

Sunday, December 3, 2017

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming This Week
Holiday Shopping Days This Week!

Spring Musical Rehearsals Begin
Baseball Try Outs Begin- Pitchers and Catchers, 3:45-6:00 (Must have complete packet)
7th/8th gr Boys' Basketball vs Westbriar @POMS, 5:30 p.m.
7th/8th gr Girls' Basketball @ Westbriar, 5:30 p.m.

Tennis Practice

Winter Dance Show (Blue Day Classes, Company & Crew, Cheer), 6:00 p.m.

Magnet Tours, 1:00 p.m.
Tennis Practice
Winter Dance Show (Green Day Classes, Company & Crew, Cheer), 6:00 p.m.

Choir and Orchestra Performance - Premium Outlet Mall

Swim Team at Lamar Open House
Choir Performance at Barnes and Noble

Magnet Application Deadline Friday
This week is the final deadline for Phase I applications for Magnet programs for the 2018-19 school year.  If you are interested in an HISD Magnet Program, your application must be submitted online no later than Friday, December 8th.

The last day for regular Magnet Tours is Thursday, December 7th at 1:00 p.m.  If you plan to take your child out of school to tour another HISD Magnet program, please email Ms. Sarratt at no later than Wednesday at noon.

Calling all Film Makers!
Students K-12 are invited to work as teams to produce a 60-90 second digital animation and/or video, highlighting important tips about how to be safe online. The Ed Tech team has supplied information about possible topics, examples of previous submissions to inspire student's creativity at the Digital Literacy Moments 2018 website at .  The Education Technology team can also provide technical support and can work with teachers and students to learn how to use various creation tools. "Digital Safety Moments" can be produced in any format, including live video, animation or a sequence of narrated images.  Submissions will be accepted through March 29, 2018 at 5:00 pm.  Submissions should be sent to  Please be sure all participating students have a signed media release on file at the campus. Featured videos from prior challenges have been featured nationally at the Future of Privacy Forum ( and Common Sense Media (

Toy Drive
Ms. Rittmueller's community service club is hosting a toy drive.  Boxes are in each House Office for donations for the fire department stocking stuffer drive and Toys for Tots.  

Dress Code: Jackets
Students may wear a solid colored sweater, jacket or sweatshirt in gray, white or royal blue, without variations or patterns. There should be no stripes and no designs. Logos should be no larger than the student ID. Heavy overcoats must be stored in the student locker once the student enters the building. Students who are wearing a sweater, jacket or sweatshirt that does not comply with the dress code will be asked to put the item in their locker or pick it up from the main office after school.  A loaner sweatshirt will be offered.  

Sunday, November 26, 2017

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming This Week


Course Selection Sheets Distributed Through ADVO
Spring Musical Auditions, 3:30 p.m.
Tennis Practice
7th/8th gr Boys' Basketball @ Pershing, 5:30 p.m.
7th/8th gr Girls' Basketball vs Pershing @ Pin Oak, 5:30 p.m. 

Spring Musical Auditions, 3:30 p.m.

Girls' Soccer Parent/Player Team Meeting, 7:15 a.m. OR 3:45 p.m., Rm B127
Magnet Tours, 1:00 p.m.
Tennis Practice

College Shirt Day
Picture Retakes
6th gr Fall Glow Dance, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Jr. Dance Clinic @ POMS
Girls' Basketball - Kinkaid Tournament
TMEA All-Regions Band Clinic

Course Selection Sheets
7th and 8th grade students will receive their Course Selection sheets on Tuesday during Advocacy.  They will have until the end of the week to review course options and submit to their House office.  They should make selections for all current periods in which they are taking a semester long course.
Girls' Soccer Parent/Player Team Meeting
Mandatory parent and athlete meeting for girls soccer on Thursday, November 30th at 7:15 am or 3:45 pm in room B127.  

Dance Clinic
POMS Dance Company invite all girls in grade K-7 to the Company Dance Clinic from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, December 2. Come join the award winning Pin Oak Middle School Dance Company for a morning of dancing and fun! Current POMS 6th and 7th graders will be learning the jazz routine for tryouts in April. 

Registration fee is $25 per dancer including t-shirt and snack. Please return the registration form with payment by Monday, 11/27 to guarantee t-shirt size.

Spring Musical Auditions 
The Pin Oak Theatre department proudly announces Footloose as the Spring Musical!  All students welcome to audition.  We need singers who can dance, and dancers who can sing! This production requires males and females and is sure to be a blast!  Auditions will be held Tuesday and Wednesday 11/28 and 11/29. Wednesday will include the dance call and callbacks for certain characters. Please see Ms. Hurn in D108 to sign up and get an audition packet!

City of Bellaire
The City of Bellaire is creating a Community Pathways Plan with the goal of
improving bicycle and pedestrian travel throughout the City. Residents
responded to surveys in 2013 which revealed that pedestrian and bicycle paths
are a top need and priority. There have been many improvements and additions
of sidewalks in recent years and this plan will continue the effort to achieve a
more comprehensive, highly-utilized and connected pathway system. The plan is
to design and fund the highest priority bicycle and pedestrian locations identified
immediately after approval from City Council.

A project website ( has been created
to provide information about the project. The website also provides links to view
exhibits ( exhibits) and to a survey (

Public Input 
Please take a few minutes to take the survey (at the link above) to provide input
to and feedback on the plan. The survey is open through December 10, 2017.

You are also invited to attend a public meeting currently scheduled to take place
on January 9, 2017 at the CenterPoint Room (above the Bellaire Town Square
Family Aquatic Center).

Should you have any questions or comments, Please feel free to reach out to Ayo
Bello at or +1 (713) 338-8026.

Fall Finals Schedule - Winter Holiday Schedule
I thought that it might be helpful for you to know the schedule for Finals exams as you begin to prepare for holiday travel.  Students taking high school credit classes will be taking Final Exams during the week of December 18-21.  With the short grading cycle, most classes will be completing assignments and/or unit tests.  Absences during this period will be difficult to make up and will likely result in an INC (incomplete) on the report card.  INCs will disqualify students for participation in UIL Athletics and other activities.

The first day of Winter Break for students in Friday, December 22.

Please contact your child's teacher(s) with any questions or concerns.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming This Week

Boys' Soccer Try-outs Begin, 3:45 p.m.


Girls'/Boys' Basketball & Swim Pictures, 7:00 a.m.
Girls' Basketball @ Meyerland, 5:30 p.m.
Boys' Basketball vs. Meyerland @POMS, 5:30 p.m.

PTO General Meeting, 8:30 a.m.
Magnet Tours, 1:00 p.m.
Faculty vs Team Volleyball Game, Tickets $2
SDMC Meeting, 3:45 p.m.
Understanding Your Middle Schooler with Dr. Brian Goonan, 6:30 p.m.



Big Thanks for a Successful Charger Fest!
Saturday was such a wonderful example of what a committed and talented community can create when they work together.  Many thanks to our 6th graders, their families and their teachers for an incredible International Fest.  Special thanks to our International Fest Chair, Emanuela Corradino.  

Our Fine Arts Department deserves a really loud shout out for the fantastic performances on Saturday!  many thanks to our performers, fine arts teachers, volunteers and our Charger Fest Chairs, Jenny Hanks, Monica Weber and Felica Broadwell.

And finally, big thanks to our Book Fair Chairs, Orit Lagnado, Shannon Hoffer and Linda Sheldon for an amazing Book Fair week!  So many books and so little time!

Fall Grading Cycles
Last week ended the second grading cycle of the first semester.  Monday, 11/13 is the first day of the final grading cycle of this semester.  The grading cycles are much shorter, and that is making it very difficult for teachers to help students when assignments are not turned in on time.

Please encourage your child to check Parent Student Connect frequently to make sure there are no missing assignments.  

Report card for this recent grading cycle will be distributed on Friday.  If your child has an Incomplete (INC) for any class, they will need to work with the teacher to resolve it immediately.  Most teachers give one week to turn in any missing assignments after the report card is distributed.  If you have questions about an individual teacher's policy, please check the teacher blog/website, or reach out by email.  Please also note, students with an INC are not eligible for participation in UIL activities until the INC is replaced with a passing grade.

Wordpress Blogs
This past week teachers were not able to access their wordpress blogs from within the HISD network.  We are working to remedy that.  In the meantime, please feel free to contact the teacher or House Principal directly by email.

Assembly Day Schedule for Thursday

First Bell to Enter Houses 
2nd Period 
4th Period 

First Lunch
Second Lunch
Third Lunch
1st Lunch
6th Period
6th Period
6th Period
2nd Lunch
6th Period
6th Period
6th Period
3rd Lunch
8th Period 

Sunday, November 5, 2017

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming This Week

Book Fair Previews
Swim Try-outs

Election Day - Library Closed
Tennis Practice

Book Fair Opens

Magnet Tours, 1:00 p.m.
Boundary & Magnet Recruitment Open House

School Picture Day

Charger Fest, Noon-4:00 p.m. 

Save the Date
Thursday, 11/16, 6:30 p.m. - Understanding Your Middle-Schooler with Dr. Brian Goonan

Applications for High Schools

HISD Magnet Applications 
That deadline for applying to HISD High School Magnet Programs is quickly approaching for our 8th graders! The deadline to apply is December 8, 2017.  You can apply online at  

If you are applying to HISD high schools you do not need to submit academic records, however you should maintain your first and second grading cycle report cards.

Need assistance with the application process?  Contact Ms. Vasquez in our House C office for assistance. Spanish assistance available.

Charter or Private School Applications
Academic Records. Do you need a copy of your child's records to submit with private or charter school applications? Contact Ms. Sarratt ( in the school office for the form to request records.  Plan ahead, as it often takes a full week to receive copies this time of the year. The school office will supply one set of records that you can copy to include with the various applications you are submitting.

Teacher Recommendations. You may need to submit recommendation forms with your application.  Please submit those to teachers and/or house principals as soon as possible. We may not be able to complete recommendations submitted within one week of the deadline.

School Start Time Survey (Closes 11/6)
Houston ISD is reviewing opportunities to improve efficiency.  One area under review is related to transportation and start times.  The District is asking for your feedback on proposed standardized start times for the 2018-19 school year.  Learn more and give your feedback at

Book Fair This Week!
The Pin Oak Book Fair will be held in the DLL from Wednesday, November 8th through Saturday, November 11th.  The Book Fair is open from 7:30 am - 4:00 pm on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and from 12 noon - 4:00 pm on Saturday during Chargerfest.

On Thursday, November 9th, parents can join their child for lunch and then come shop at the book fair.  Sign in at the front office, meet your child in the cafeteria and head on over to the book fair!  

Parents can also purchase books in our online store at 
There are no shipping fees and the books will be delivered to your student at school.  Book make terrific holiday gifts!

If you have any questions please contact Orit Lagnado at

Thank you for supporting the POMS Book Fair!  Proceeds will benefit the library and classrooms.

First Annual Dessert Improv Night!
Join us for the first annual dessert improv night on Wednesday, November 15 at 6 p.m. in Caja Negra! Come and purchase baked goods made by the theater department to help support the spring musical. Stay and enjoy improv performances by the theater group.


Looking for a way to meet new friends, help our kids, and use your talents at the same time?  We are in need of Volunteers who are interested in helping us plan, organize and run this year’s student Pin Oak Idol.  Pin Oak Idol is a talent show for the school featuring our very own students and judged by Local Celebrities.  If you are looking to have fun, volunteer and meet new Pin Oak family please contact Heather Barrow or Debbie Robbins  All levels of interest are welcome!


Saturday, November 11, 2017
12:00 – 4:00

ChargerFest is next Saturday and we need you!

There are still shifts that need to be filled.
Please consider volunteering to work an hour or 2 during the event.

It is not too late to sponsor or underwrite ChargerFest!

Sign up today at to sponsor,
donate, purchase tickets or volunteer.

ChargerFest Ticket Pricing

Carnival Wristbands:  $20 pre-sales or $25 on Saturday
*Good for all inflatables, rides, games & fine arts performances.

Fine Arts Wristbands:  $5
*Good for Fine Arts Performances, these are required for anyone who wants to watch performances.

Individual tickets:  $1 each or $10 punch card
*Can be used for inflatables, rides, games, food items, face painting, hairspray.

Confetti Egg Tickets:  $4/dozen

Raffle Tickets:  $2 each or 6 for $10

Kona Ice will be at ChargerFest accepting cash.

Raffle Prizes

Ifly Giftcard
Ray-Ban Clubmaster Sunglasses
Kate Spade Purse
Bose Soundlink Micro Speaker
$100 AmEx Giftcard
Pin Oak Blue Hoverboard
All- New Amazon Echo – 2nd Generation
$150 iPic Theatre Giftcard
3 - $150 Giftcards to YogaOne Studios
$300 Giftcard to the Zone

Performing Arts Schedule
         12:30 - 12:45              Guitar
         12:45 - 1:20                Stage Band
         1:30 - 1:50                   Choir
                                                                         2:00 – 2:20  Orchestra
         2:30 - 2:50                   Dance
         3:00 - 3:30                   Band

Thank you ChargerFest Sponsors!

International Festival
Roof MD

Redemption Center
Nicholas Puig & Family

Fine Arts Performances – Group Sponsorship
Cheng, Courtney, Decker, Hicks, Jones, Marshall, Neumann, Rephlo, Shaw & Torgerson Families

Photo Booth

Nothing Bundt Cakes

Inflatable Sponsors
Nguyen Family

Game Sponsors
Courtney Family
Energy Ogre
Gilder Family
Michael Family
Mulcahy Family
Shultz Family
Vision Source – Meyer Park

Thank you ChargerFest Underwriters!

Super Stars
Burt Family
Fisher Family
Hochglaube & DeBorde, PC
Vision Source – Meyer Park

Carter Family
Hanks Family
Hassell Family
Phillips Family

Lewin Family
Jenjira Salazar
Tackett Family

Thank you PTO Corporate Sponsors!
Bellaire Family Orthodontics
Beth Wolff Realtors
Elite Care

Thank you Raffle Prize Donors!
Borsos Family
Courtney Family
Hanks Family
Michael Family
Park Family
Shah Family
Vision Source
YogaOne Studios
The Zone

For questions, please contact one of the following ChargerFest co-chairs:
Felica Broadwell at
Jenny Hanks at
Monica Weber at