Upcoming This Week
Course Selection Sheets Distributed Through ADVO
Spring Musical Auditions, 3:30 p.m.
Tennis Practice
7th/8th gr Boys' Basketball @ Pershing, 5:30 p.m.
7th/8th gr Girls' Basketball vs Pershing @ Pin Oak, 5:30 p.m.
Course Selection Sheets Distributed Through ADVO
Spring Musical Auditions, 3:30 p.m.
Tennis Practice
7th/8th gr Boys' Basketball @ Pershing, 5:30 p.m.
7th/8th gr Girls' Basketball vs Pershing @ Pin Oak, 5:30 p.m.
Spring Musical Auditions, 3:30 p.m.
Girls' Soccer Parent/Player Team Meeting, 7:15 a.m. OR 3:45 p.m., Rm B127
Magnet Tours, 1:00 p.m.
Tennis Practice
College Shirt Day
Picture Retakes
6th gr Fall Glow Dance, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Jr. Dance Clinic @ POMS
Girls' Basketball - Kinkaid Tournament
TMEA All-Regions Band Clinic
Course Selection Sheets
7th and 8th grade students will receive their Course Selection sheets on Tuesday during Advocacy. They will have until the end of the week to review course options and submit to their House office. They should make selections for all current periods in which they are taking a semester long course.
Girls' Soccer Parent/Player Team Meeting
Mandatory parent and athlete meeting for girls soccer on Thursday, November 30th at 7:15 am or 3:45 pm in room B127.
The City of Bellaire is creating a Community Pathways Plan with the goal of
improving bicycle and pedestrian travel throughout the City. Residents
responded to surveys in 2013 which revealed that pedestrian and bicycle paths
are a top need and priority. There have been many improvements and additions
of sidewalks in recent years and this plan will continue the effort to achieve a
more comprehensive, highly-utilized and connected pathway system. The plan is
to design and fund the highest priority bicycle and pedestrian locations identified
immediately after approval from City Council.
A project website (http://bellairecommunitypathwaysplan.com/) has been created
to provide information about the project. The website also provides links to view
exhibits (http://bellairecommunitypathwaysplan.com/community-pathways-plandraft- exhibits) and to a survey (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RRRJVCT).
Public Input
Please take a few minutes to take the survey (at the link above) to provide input
to and feedback on the plan. The survey is open through December 10, 2017.
You are also invited to attend a public meeting currently scheduled to take place
on January 9, 2017 at the CenterPoint Room (above the Bellaire Town Square
Family Aquatic Center).
Should you have any questions or comments, Please feel free to reach out to Ayo
Bello at abello@hrgreen.com or +1 (713) 338-8026.
Magnet Tours, 1:00 p.m.
Tennis Practice
College Shirt Day
Picture Retakes
6th gr Fall Glow Dance, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Jr. Dance Clinic @ POMS
Girls' Basketball - Kinkaid Tournament
TMEA All-Regions Band Clinic
Course Selection Sheets
7th and 8th grade students will receive their Course Selection sheets on Tuesday during Advocacy. They will have until the end of the week to review course options and submit to their House office. They should make selections for all current periods in which they are taking a semester long course.
Girls' Soccer Parent/Player Team Meeting
Mandatory parent and athlete meeting for girls soccer on Thursday, November 30th at 7:15 am or 3:45 pm in room B127.
Dance Clinic
POMS Dance Company invite all girls in grade K-7 to the Company Dance Clinic
from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, December 2. Come join the award winning
Pin Oak Middle School Dance Company for a morning of dancing and fun! Current
POMS 6th and 7th graders will be learning the jazz routine for tryouts in
Registration fee is $25 per dancer including t-shirt and snack.
Please return the registration form with payment by Monday, 11/27 to guarantee
t-shirt size.
Spring Musical Auditions
The Pin Oak Theatre department proudly announces Footloose
as the Spring Musical! All students welcome to audition. We need
singers who can dance, and dancers who can sing! This production requires males
and females and is sure to be a blast! Auditions will be held Tuesday and
Wednesday 11/28 and 11/29. Wednesday will include the dance
call and callbacks for certain characters. Please see Ms. Hurn in D108 to sign
up and get an audition packet!
City of Bellaire
The City of Bellaire is creating a Community Pathways Plan with the goal of
improving bicycle and pedestrian travel throughout the City. Residents
responded to surveys in 2013 which revealed that pedestrian and bicycle paths
are a top need and priority. There have been many improvements and additions
of sidewalks in recent years and this plan will continue the effort to achieve a
more comprehensive, highly-utilized and connected pathway system. The plan is
to design and fund the highest priority bicycle and pedestrian locations identified
immediately after approval from City Council.
A project website (http://bellairecommunitypathwaysplan.com/) has been created
to provide information about the project. The website also provides links to view
exhibits (http://bellairecommunitypathwaysplan.com/community-pathways-plandraft- exhibits) and to a survey (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RRRJVCT).
Public Input
Please take a few minutes to take the survey (at the link above) to provide input
to and feedback on the plan. The survey is open through December 10, 2017.
You are also invited to attend a public meeting currently scheduled to take place
on January 9, 2017 at the CenterPoint Room (above the Bellaire Town Square
Family Aquatic Center).
Should you have any questions or comments, Please feel free to reach out to Ayo
Bello at abello@hrgreen.com or +1 (713) 338-8026.
Fall Finals Schedule - Winter Holiday Schedule
I thought that it might be helpful for you to know the schedule for Finals exams as you begin to prepare for holiday travel. Students taking high school credit classes will be taking Final Exams during the week of December 18-21. With the short grading cycle, most classes will be completing assignments and/or unit tests. Absences during this period will be difficult to make up and will likely result in an INC (incomplete) on the report card. INCs will disqualify students for participation in UIL Athletics and other activities.
The first day of Winter Break for students in Friday, December 22.
Please contact your child's teacher(s) with any questions or concerns.
I thought that it might be helpful for you to know the schedule for Finals exams as you begin to prepare for holiday travel. Students taking high school credit classes will be taking Final Exams during the week of December 18-21. With the short grading cycle, most classes will be completing assignments and/or unit tests. Absences during this period will be difficult to make up and will likely result in an INC (incomplete) on the report card. INCs will disqualify students for participation in UIL Athletics and other activities.
The first day of Winter Break for students in Friday, December 22.
Please contact your child's teacher(s) with any questions or concerns.