Sunday, January 24, 2016

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events



Early Dismissal, 1:00 p.m. - NO AFTERSCHOOL
Students will be assigned an assessment location
Girls' Basketball @ Ortiz MS, 3:30 p.m
Boys' Basketball vs Ortiz MS @ POMS, 3:30 p.m. 

Progress Reports Go Home

HISD All-City MS Band Clinic and Concert

Tuesday, February 2, 6:30 p.m.
Understanding PSAT - 8th gr Parent Resource Meeting

Formative Assessment

On Wednesday, students will be taking formative assessments in reading and math to help us develop supports for any content from the first part of the year that students are still grappling with now.  

Why?  Teachers monitor progress toward mastery of objectives of daily work.  They also need to see how students are performing when presented with complex problems that require a variety of math processes and multiple steps.  With a mid-year formative assessment, teachers can quickly determine the skill and processes that need more support from the first semester curriculum.

Isn't this just a focus on the test? Yes, and no. It is not the dreaded test prep.  It serves as a diagnostic assessment that allows teachers to know what critical instruction your child needs. It is aligned to state standards, and also aligned to the type of material seen on STAAR.

Why do we care about STAAR?  Report card grades and test scores are used to match your child to the most rigorous classes they can be successful in taking.  This is true for students returning to Pin Oak and those moving on to high school.  This year, HISD students will not take a norm-referenced test (IOWA or Stanford). This means there is one less data point to use in making those decisions.  I want to be certain our students have access to the most rigorous courses, in the best schools, by representing themselves in the most prepared light.

How will we use the information?
Teacher and administrators will disaggregate the data to look for curriculum strands that need more support, and will use the data to offer tutorials in individual areas.  You will have access to your child's performance by learning objective to help you learn more about his or her level of mastery.

House Sociables
Over the weekend I attended two fabulous sociables for House C and House A. Next week...House B.  A great time was had by all! Thanks to our hosts and to our families who spent their evening meeting other parents to raise money to support our programs!

Bellaire Prospective Student Night

Bellaire High School welcomes Pin Oak 8th grade students and parents to join them for Bellaire High School Prospective Student Night on February 24, 2016.

Spirit Nights @ Tapester's Grill

Tapester's Grill invites POMS families to show their support: they are hosting not one Spirit Night but a two full day event! Come by January 25th AND 26th, and 20% of purchases will be donated to POMS PTO. Grab a Stickee bun for breakfast, meet friends for lunch or bring the kids for dinner and mention Pin Oak Middle School! Located at 4520 Beechnut Blvd, just west of Newcastle.

We grateful to the Taper family, who are a part of our Charger community with House B students John, Jr. and Merritt as well as Charger alumnae Natalie and Morgan! 

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