Sunday, May 15, 2016

News from Mrs. Graves

Thrilled to know that we will exceed 50,000 page views tonight!

Upcoming Events


Algebra Parent Information Meeting, 5:30
Orchestra Concert, 6:30

Athletic Physicals, 3:30 $15
NJHS EOY Party, 3:30 service hours due
Choir & Orchestra Trip to NY

Band Trip to Orlando

Stage Band Auditions, 3:30 P.M.

MS Debate and UIL Academic Competition (Tentatively Scheduled)

Finals Schedule
Final Exams are administered during the long periods each day. Check cluster blogs for information on testing for each core content class and HS credit courses.

8th grade Activities
HS t-shirt Day
Yearbook Signing Party, 1:00
8th grade Dance, 6:00

Schlitterbahn, 8:30 - 5:30 pm

Promotion Ceremony, 10:00 a.m. Butler Field House

Changes In Response to Budget Cuts
As we prepare for the new school year, and a tighter budget, we are making a few organizational changes that will offset the cuts to our budget.  With cuts of almost $300,000, almost 6% of our annual budget, we were forced to consider cutting programs/teachers or increasing our enrollment. I have committed to keeping the many programs we offer for students. Increasing our enrollment requires that we create more class sections to keep from increasing our class sizes.  We have been able to shift our master schedule so that our fine arts, foreign language and physical education teachers offer classes seven of eight periods, instead of six of eight. This creates more sections, and even offers a few new opportunities. We have been able to preserve the common cluster conference period and the common core content department planning.  

To make this work, we are increasing our class length to 90 minutes on Blue and Green days.  We will shorten Advocacy and Team time.  In addition, to meet the requirements of a recent House Bill, we are extending the length of each school day by 5 minutes.  We will be able to offer you a daily class schedule in the coming days, as we are finalizing the schedule with the district transportation department.  

Course Selection Sheets
If you haven't taken a look at your child's course selection sheet, please do so as soon as possible.  We are asking students to return them no later than Tuesday, May 17th.

Annual Parent Survey
I invite you to share feedback with us about your experience at POMS.  We are continuously working to get better and need to hear from you about what works and what we need to improve.  The annual survey will be open for one week.  Please take time to complete this survey on or before Sunday, May 22nd.

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