Volleyball vs Lawson MS @POMS, 5:00 p.m.
7th gr Football vs Lawson @POMS, 5:00 p.m.
Family Night @ Skeeters, 4:00-10:00 p.m.
8th gr Football vs Lawson MS @Butler Stadium, 5:00 p.m.
District Magnet Tours, 1:00 p.m.
Cheer/Dance/Football Photos, 3:45 p.m.
Club Tennis Parent Info Meeting, 5:00 p.m.
Girls' Lacrosse Parent Info Meeting, 5:45 p.m.
NJHS Induction Ceremony, 6:30 p.m.
College Shirt Day
Visual Arts Lunch & Learn with GONZO247
Report Cards
HISD District Cross Country Meet, Herman Brown Park
Gr8 Election
On Friday, the 8th grade US History teachers introduced their students to an interactive simulation unit referred to as the Gr8 Election. All of our 8th grade students will be actively participating in a mock-election on campus, which will begin with party identification (Mustangs, Broncos or Palominos) and accelerate through a short primary season toward its conclusion, the general election. Students will self-identify with one of three political parties based on their responses to inventory questions about their Pin Oak experience. Simply, the context here is to treat school issues as if they were the most important issues that a country (The Independent Nation of Pin Oak) would face.
After party identification we will run a short primary season, to a general election with a simulated electoral college. Strict guidelines for campaigning, including campaign finance rules, will be in place.
There has been buzz about this project among our 8th graders, and they’ve been chomping at the bit since the beginning of September to get going – I am immensely proud of the hard work and innovation of our 8th grade history teachers to get this unit off the ground and can't wait to see our 8th graders tackle this opportunity. It will be nice to see a model of democracy in action.
Club Tennis Comes to POMS
Much like our club lacrosse program, a small group of parents and students have expressed an interest in offering a club tennis team at POMS. There will be a parent and student informational meeting on our new tennis club sport on Thursday, October 6th at 5pm in the DLL. Tennis club will be starting on Tuesday, October 18th and will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:45-4:45. If you are unable to make the meeting, but are interested in joining, please email Marcela Davis at
High School Tours Start This Week and Run Through November
If your student will be attending High School Tours please
follow these simple steps to assure your
student will be in the front office ready to be picked up by you or the person
who you have allowed to sign your student out.
- Email Ms. Marquez by 8:00 am the day of the tour with your student NAME and TIME you need them to be picked up.
- Specify who will be picking up your child and assure they have proper identification with them.
- Please remind your student to be aware of the time you need them in the front for pick up.
- Please make sure to sign your child out.
There will be a list with all of the students whose names I
received that morning, find your child and sign them out. If you forget to
email Ms. Marquez that morning his or her name will not be on the list. You may
still pick up your child but keep in mind you will have to wait a little while
Please keep in mind that we cannot excuse absences related to tours. If your child takes a morning tour and is not on campus at 9:20 a.m. your child will be considered absent for the day. Afternoon tours will only result in an absence for the specific period(s) missed while off campus. Please consider spreading out tours so that your child does not miss class several weeks in a row.
Our goal is to make this as smooth as possible and we need
everyone’s cooperation to ensure this is a quick in and out process. If you
have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask I will be happy to answer any
concerns you might have.
Advanced Art Lunch and Learn
Our first Lunch and Learn will be held in the DLL on Friday Oct. 7 for advanced 7th and 8th grade
art students featuring local Hispanic celebrity street artist GONZO247. He
will be sharing his journey in the art world here in Houston and discussing the
transition from graffiti to mainstream public art. #houstonstreetart
#aerosolwarfare #gonzo247 Finally...Jacket Weather!
Jackets seem to be one of the tricky points in the dress code policy, so I wanted to offer these reminders since jacket weather is just around the corner. The following is taken from the Student Planner:
- Jackets, sweaters or sweatshirts may be white, royal blue or light gray. Navy blue and dark gray will not be permitted.
- Fabric: Cotton or cotton blend
- No logos or designs permitted
- Turtlenecks and long-sleeved shirts may be worn under the regular uniform shirt as long as the turtleneck or long-sleeved shirt is tucked in and white, royal blue or light gray.
- Any item purchased in the school store or any official team or club sweatshirt or jacket is allowable.
Just as a reminder, we implemented a new message board system to eliminate the need to interrupt instruction during the school day for items left in the main office for students. The system is working very well, and teachers have noticed a significant difference with fewer disruptions. Please make sure your child develops the responsibility of organizing themselves so that all materials get to school, but in the event something is forgotten, make sure your child knows to look at the message monitors, located throughout the school, if you plan to deliver something for your child.
Big Thanks!
As we await the final numbers, I want to thank Janet Nuemann, Michelle Leppard and Jenny Leishman for the hard work organizing our Mixed Bags Fundraiser!

Sign up today at http://pinoakpto/chargerfest/ to sponsor, donate or purchase tickets. Questions? Contact Jenny Hanks at
Thank you ChargerFest Sponsors and Underwriters!
Maierson Family
Madison Family
Organ Family
Weber Family - New Star EMS
McAplin Family
Tackett Famiily
Wallach Family
Thank you Corporate Sponsors!
Bellaire Orthodontics
Beth Wolff Realtors
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