Sunday, October 4, 2015

News from Mrs. Graves

Daily Schedule
Monday, 10/5  BLUE
Volleyball vs Dowling @POMS, 5:30/6:30

Tuesday, 10/6 GREEN

Wednesday, 10/7  BLUE
Choir New York Parent Meeting, 6:00 

Thursday, 10/8  GREEN
Magnet Tour, 1:00
PTO Meeting, 6:30

Friday, 10/9  CHARGER
School Pictures (PE/Dance)
Report Cards Go Home

Yellowstone 2015
I have had the pleasure of attending the Yellowstone field study with some of our 8th graders. The field study blends elements of human and physical geography, geology, and biology.  It has been an absolute pleasure to watch our students make connections between the things they have read about and the things they can actually see and touch in the field. 

Many may believe this is a break from school, but I can assure you it hasn't been a break from learning.  Our students have been out all day experiencing the world around them, and then hitting the books when we return to the hotel each evening.  They are also maintaining field logs to document the things they notice, as well as the data they collect.  In the photo below, students are measuring temperature and pH levels at Orange Spring Mound, a geologic feature that has changed drastically since last year.  


This field study is possible because of a strong partnership with Bellaire High School and the generosity of Ann Linsley-Kennedy.  Many of our 7th graders will be attending this field study next week.  

On Wednesday, October 14th our 8th graders will take the PSAT.  We will begin testing at 8:30 a.m. and will maintain the testing environment until 1:15 p.m. 

Why is the PSAT a great opportunity for 8th graders?  The PSAT establishes a baseline measurement of college and career readiness just before your child enters high school. It also gives your child a chance to preview the question style for PSAT/SAT.

You and your child can learn more about the PSAT and see sample questions at

First 6-Week Free Dress Reward
On Monday, students will receive a copy of their schedule for the first grading period Free Dress Reward.  Students will take the schedule to each teacher.  If the student has one or fewer late/missing assignments during the grading period, the teacher will sign next to the class.  If the student receives signatures from all teachers, he or she may turn in the schedule to the House Office to receive a Free Dress wristband.  We will have the free dress on 10/16.  See the student planner for information on free dress guidelines.

If your child doesn't earn the free dress for this first grading period, you may want to see if organization is the issue. Your child's cluster leader can assist you with scheduling a meeting with teachers.

PTO Meeting
On Thursday evening, we will host our first evening PTO meeting.  All members of the PTO are invited to attend.  I will provide a "State of the School" update and Mr. Berry will discuss the process for applying to high school magnet programs.  

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